Mercedes engine factory in Jawor

Mercedes-Benz Engine Factory in Jawor

Roof Skylight Systems

On one of the buildings at the Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland engine factory in Jawor, we installed 14,000 m² of skylights. To put this into perspective, that’s equivalent to covering two full-size football fields with our skylights!😁⚽

Barrel Vault Roof Skylights

In the project, we utilized our proprietary Aluco Skylight Therm system. These are industrial barrel vault roof skylights with thermal insulation. The barrel vault skylights were installed in rows, comprising a total of 112 continuous skylights (28 rows of 4 continuous skylights each).

Smoke Vents In Skylights

Our skylights also feature additional Aluco Fire SL smoke vents installed across the entire roof of the production hall. These smoke vents are designed specifically for installation in skylights; they can be manually or automatically tilted and controlled. In total, we installed 400 smoke vents within the skylights.

Roof Top Smoke Vents

Our Aluco Delta roof top smoke vents have been installed on the roof bay windows as shown in the photos. Similar to the skylight vents, the Aluco Delta vents can be operated through the automatic control system.

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Roof Skylight Systems

Detailed information about our offering can be found in the section dedicated to roof skylights.

Request a Quote

Contact us if you want to get a precise quote for your project or if you need more information.